If you've just subscribed to our service and you already own the domain that you'd like to use, our Support group will reach out to you via email with the nameservers that you have to add to your domain.

If you purchased your domain on Namecheap.com, please use the following steps to add the nameservers to your domain:

1. Log into namecheap.com

2. Click "Domain List" in the left menu

3. Click "Manage" next to the domain that you'd like to connect to our platform

4. Under the NAMESERVERS section, add the 4 nameservers that our Support group provided to you and click the green checkmark

summernote picture

5. Respond to our Support group via email to let them know that you've set the nameservers on your domain

Our Support group will send you an email when they've completed the rest of the setup process and your website is live on your custom domain.