I've you've purchased a domain on GoDaddy and would like to use it for your website on our platform, there are just some simple steps that you'll have to follow.

Step 1) Within the Site Content and Address page of the Website Setup process, indicate your domain and that you already own the domain.

Step 2) After purchasing a subscription with us, we'll send you an email with 4 nameservers. These are web addresses that you'll have to point your domain to so that when people access your domain (ie. mywebsite.com), your new website will be shown.

Step 3) Log into GoDaddy.

Step 4) In the top right hand corner of the page, click your name and then click My Products.

Step 5) Click Manage DNS

Step 6) Under nameservers, click "Change"

Step 7) Click "Enter my own Nameservers"

Step 6) Add the 4 nameservers provided to you by our Support Team. Click "Add Nameserver" to add a new row.

Step 7) Click Save

Step 8) Inform our Support Team that you've updated the nameservers on your domain